So this is building on point 4.) of

What are some common reasons designers leave their job in UX?

To recap, I will quote that section:

It is SO COMMON to see very junior people hired on as the "sole" UX designer on a small team just because "someone needs to make the mockups."

Of course, they usually end up floundering because they have no idea what they should do and don't have any guidance. It is also hard to seek outside mentorship, as those can only cover high-level things, not the day-to-day advice they need to grow when just starting out. There is no real solution to this... you either slog through tons of avoidable trial and error or have to move to a new opportunity where you can enjoy the mentorship of a senior designer.

Unfortunately, UX suffers from the "lack of junior opportunities" syndrome where companies all want senior designers, but no one is training juniors to become seniors. This just makes it very difficult for anyone trying to enter the industry.

Let's start with the bad news

There is no way to match the level of mentorship you get from working with a senior designer WITHOUT working with a senior designer.

Yes, there are tons of fantastic mentorship options out there, (Plugging ADPList here), but the main issue of these mentorship services is they only offer "high-level" mentorship.

For example if you: